Focused on You, llc
...massage with a purpose


Customized Massage

60 minutes: $80.00
90 minutes: $115.00
120 minutes: $150.00


Services are charged by time so you don't have to worry once you are on the table the price won't  change. 


All services are customized and individualized per client per session. My massage is a melting pot of many years of training and experience. Some of the services that I offer are below, just keep in mind sometimes we may want to see what combination will be the most effective. Those may not be the same for you every session, and often change from one session to the next.

I love to use all the "tools in my toolbox" as we say. 

Swedish/Relaxation, Deep Tissue/Therapeutic, Chair Massage, Prenatal, Geriatric, Minor,  Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage, Assisted Stretching, Cupping, and Taping, and more.

I will also refer out to some of my amazing colleagues if that need be. The combination of Therapies and Bodywork is the right combination. I am so lucky to know some of the best in the area. 

30 minute massages, are typically not scheduled, but are available if and when they are determined to be needed. 

Hours are by appointment only. Please text (preferred), call, or email to schedule! You can find  all the needed info on my Contact Me page. 

(765) 414-6110

Cancellation Policy

In the case that you may need to cancel 24 hour advance notice is required. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment in that space. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.

No shows are missed appointments and will be charged at the full price for the service scheduled. 

Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to be respectful of the client that follows you that day. In some cases I may be able to give you full time, and in those cases I will, but this is not to be expected everytime. If you do arrive late you will be responsible for the “full” session amount, regardless of the length left of the service. 

Side Note: Sometimes things come up, and believe me I know that better than some, so I try my best to be fair to all clients. These policies should be expected, but just like everything else each case will be taken into consideration individually, and left to the discretion of the service provider.